A bustling city. A farmstead in a verdant village. A fugitive. A scoundrel. And an unfolding series of events seen through the eyes of a child.
This gritty novel, while offering the reader delightful glimpses of daily life in the two regions of southern India that form its setting, also brings them face to face with the less savoury and disturbing aspects of the human condition. The mostly lovable characters, who are at the mercy of a universe that does not discriminate between good and evil, cannot take anything for granted. Whether man, beast or bird, each must deal with their destiny according to their own nature and instincts. In the end, they find that they have only themselves, and their relationships with each other, to fall back on.
Poignant and perceptive, Chamor will haunt you for a long time.
Chamor by Sheba Jose
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