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Our world is based on the law of coexistence which when implemented in a civilised society takes the form of what we call 'relationships'. Everything is governed by this particular phenomenon, including the procreation upon which life itself is founded. At a mundane level, even our careers depend on our skills of interpersonal interaction, while at a spiritual level, our road to self-realization relies on the relationship we have with our 'self'.


In Dhi's Oracle of Numbers for Relationship Guidance and Self-Realization, the author has put together her theory of numerology that combines the role of instinct and logic in guiding a person to their soul mission and harmony in all kinds of relationships after years of study and empirical data collection. Numbers can answer the questions we most want the answer to-- why is this happening, what is or will this relationship be like, what is its place in one's journey, will this work or not, what is or will be one's relationship with one's work, a project or even oneself at a given point in time, what is one's or another's intention and finally, what is or will be seen as by another-- the most gnawing question of all.


Don't we have a secret desire to be able to see ourselves from the eyes of another, with complete objectivity?! all the answers are in the form of guidance in the form of that particular given point of time when you consult the oracle. For instance, the relationship with the same partner goes through several phases, so the guidance you receive from the oracle at a given point in time might strictly pertain to the phase you're undergoing then.


This is an important point to remember that just as life is dynamic, so is the guidance you receive from the universe. Even the point at which you choose to consult the oracle is preordained.

Dhi's Oracle of Numbers for Relationship Guidance by Saudamini Mishra

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