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‘Molki.’Molki—a bride, who has The unbelievable molki tradition means bride buying tradition, which is being practiced in various parts of India. Molki buying process can be compared with an unseen market—the underground bride market!


In the system, brides are being sold at a low than cows and goats. of a molki is based on skin color, age, virginity and‘Fifth Hand Wife’ is a tragic life story of a molki. Laxmi, a young girl, who became the victim of woman traffickers by the phony act of love, was sold as a molki. Being a molki, she was sold to several men one after another and even she was the one who had to become the wife of her son.


After being the wife of five different husbands, Laxmi wants to herself from the cage. Will she able to do so? Will she find a blue sky full of dom?

Fifth Hand Wife by Neelim Akash Kashyap

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