The progressive movement in literature started with the Urdu language and over the span of more than three decades, spread its ideology to other languages of the country. The writers and poets who embraced this ideology became a potential force on the social, political and literary canvas of India.
The original version of this book, Urdu Mein Taraqqui Pasand Adabi Tehreek, written by Dr Khalil Ur Rahman Azmi—one of the most prominent figures in the modern literary critique of Urdu writings—was first published in 1972. It paved the way for a brand new progressive world view and received widespread acclaim and appreciation. It is still relevant and scholars and those interested in progressive writings and literature continue to consult it.
This trans creation makes the story of this vibrant period of Urdu accessible to all. It features the most influential progressive Urdu writers from different genres like prose, short story, novel, poetry, humour, satire as well as literary critique and includes works by eminent literary stalwarts of the time including Sajjad Zaheer, Munshi Premchand, Ismat Chughtai, Saadat Hasan Manto, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Kaifi Azmi, Sahir Ludhianvi, Sardar Jafri to name just a few.
In this remarkable volume that consists of the most lustrous gems from the canon of Urdu literature, readers will be able to experience and appreciate the depth and range of writings that helped shape a nation.
Many Summers Apart by Khalil Ur Rahman
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