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They Made What?


A space scientist who sent a rocket to Mars. A physicist who insisted that plants could feel emotions

An engineer who solved a water problem with an ice stupa.


Meet India's brightest scientists and read all about their incredible, groundbreaking inventions in this first-of-its-kind book. Explore the most fascinating fields of science, from nanotechnology and engineering to tropical ecology and molecular physics, and find the answers to the scientific questions you've always thought about.


Do all scientists wear lab coats? Where do they get their genius ideas from? How do they transform these brainwaves into life-changing inventions? Bursting with activities, quizzes, easy experiments, cool tips and a galaxy of knowledge, this informative, exciting and entertaining book is sure to awaken the intrepid innovator in you!


They Found What?


A biologist who smashed cancer cells. A physicist who revealed the secrets of light. An ecologist who stumbled on a rare species of frog.


Meet India's brightest scientists and read all about their incredible, groundbreaking discoveries in this first-of-its-kind book. Explore the most fascinating fields of science, from neuroscience and biochemistry to evolutionary biology and thermodynamics, and unearth the answers to the scientific questions you've always thought about.


Do scientists never fail at maths? What tools and technologies do they use to uncover something new? Do they really have robotic assistants? Bursting with activities, quizzes, easy experiments, cool tips and a galaxy of knowledge, this informative, exciting and entertaining book is sure to awaken the intrepid innovator in you!

They Made What? They Found What? by Shweta Taneja

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